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Braces Specialist

Flossmore Dental

Hank Chang, DDS

Dentist located in Richardson, TX

When it comes to improving your smile, Dr. Hank Chang, DDS, at Flossmore Dental in Richardson, Texas, offers many options, including traditional braces. Talk of braces may conjure up images of metal teeth and headgear, but today’s braces are less noticeable and more efficient at fixing your smile. If you want straighter teeth and live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, call the Flossmore Dental office or book an appointment online to discuss your options.

Traditional Braces

What are traditional braces?

Traditional braces, also referred to as metal braces, use metal brackets and wires to gently move your teeth into a better position. Present-day metal braces like the ones Dr. Chang offers are smaller and less noticeable than the braces from years ago, and move your teeth with a specialized wire that works off your body heat to realign your teeth faster and with less pain.

Why should I get traditional braces?

Traditional braces can fix a number of problems, including:

  • Overbite or underbite
  • Overcrowding
  • Crooked or overlapping teeth
  • Bad bite

What are the benefits of traditional braces?

The benefits of traditional braces include:

  • More effective at fixing overcrowding
  • Dr. Chang has more control over the movement of each tooth
  • Fixed to your teeth so you can’t lose them
  • Available in fun colors
  • Less expensive than other orthodontics options

How do traditional braces work?

Braces improve the alignment of your teeth using a gentle force. The wire pushes on your tooth and moves it at the root into a better position. The process is slow and it might take your tooth three to four weeks to move.

Depending on the amount of force applied by the wire, you may follow-up with Dr. Chang every four to 12 weeks to change out the wire for continued force and movement.

How long does it take for traditional braces to straighten teeth?

The amount of time it takes for braces to straighten your teeth depends, but most people wear braces for two years.

After your braces come off, you will need to wear a retainer to keep your teeth in their new position and maintain your straight smile.

How do you keep teeth clean with braces?

You need to take extra care of your teeth when you have braces because food can get caught in the brackets and wires.

Keep your teeth clean by brushing regularly, especially after meals, and flossing. Dr. Chang may recommend a special toothbrush and dental floss to help clean in between your teeth and the braces.

Dr. Chang also recommends you avoid foods that can get caught in your braces or break them, such as:

  • Gum
  • Chewy candy
  • Caramels
  • Popcorn

If you think traditional braces are a good choice for you, call the office or book an appointment online.